Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tany is now 8 months and she has grown a lot.............

she is under severe training regime with bomb squad SI,
she is now  eating mutton every lunch, egg with milk and idly in morning and  royal canine with milk at night!!!!
with dad, she is too close to my dad!!!! she loves him very much!!!

she is so cute and rocking my home in trichy.............


  1. hi da rasukutti... the dog's looking gr8.. training with bomb squad SI ah.. cool man... giving good food is important at this stage..also buy that calcium tonic and pour it in milk not much but 2-3moodi's/day will do. get her a dog bone too.. @ this stage she will have a tendency to bite things that she sees.... keep posting pics!

  2. yea she is eating loads of bones and have given calcium, iron and multivit tonics a full course and continuing da!!!!thanx for ur advice and will do post
